Cancer Resources

Cancer & Careers

Gilda's Club Minnesota July 15, 2019

Cancer and Careers empowers and educates people with cancer to thrive in the workplace by providing vital support, tools, and information needed to navigate the practical and legal challenges that follow a diagnosis.

Visit the Cancer and Careers Website

As the number of cancer survivors in the U.S. continues to grow, there is an increasing need for resources and support to help them get back to everyday life and work after diagnosis and treatment.

Cancer and Careers helps 400,000 people each year — online, in print and in person — by providing valuable information and resources via expert advice, interactive tools and educational events.

You’ve just been diagnosed. Now what? We help you think through next steps, including things that may not have crossed your mind.

– Getting Organized: Unfortunately, cancer can’t be relegated to after-hours. The same organizational skills you’ve honed on …

– Managing Treatment Side Effects: Cancer can drain you physically and mentally, but there are ways to bolster your inner reserves. You can…

– Creating an Action Plan: Having a plan can help restore your sense of control and leave you with more energy to cope with the res…

– Sharing the News: One of the biggest challenges employees with cancer face is sharing their diagnosis with their employers…

– Work & Your Cancer Treatment – If you plan to continue working while undergoing treatment, you can make the process easier for yourself…