
Hope Happens Here

Carissa Vincent July 10, 2020

None of us anticipated this.  Most of us didn’t really understand isolation or uncertainty the way we do now, nor did we recognize its impact on our mental health.  However, for those living with cancer, their families, friends and caregivers, and those living with loss, they understand all too well.  This is why Gilda’s Club Minnesota matters.

Gilda’s Club is not a nice to have as the world combats the COVID-19 pandemic…it is a lifeline.

Since launching our virtual programming on March 16, 2020, we have:

  • Missed 0 days of programming
  • Offered over 40 virtual classes and support groups
  • Had over 1,500 virtual class and support group visits
  • Virtually supported over 270 members
  • Welcomed 15 new members

I’m so grateful for Gilda’s going online today.  The art therapy is just what I needed.  Really helped being connected when I’m the only one in my house.  This made me feel not alone.

-C.E., Gilda’s Club member

We continue to serve and support our members during this time, but we can’t do it alone. We need your help. 

$50 helps to provide a virtual new member meeting 

$100 helps to provide one class of virtual support for one member

$250 helps to provide the technology to deliver virtual programming

Donate today because… Hope Happens Here.