
Heal it Forward: The Health Benefits of Generosity

Gilda's Club Minnesota December 22, 2022

As I was reflecting on this closing year and looking forward to the new one on the horizon, I couldn’t help but be moved by the generosity I see every day at Gilda’s Club. From our committed Gilda greeters, board members, and program facilitators to our big-hearted donors and selfless volunteers, I am struck by the deep level of generosity and love in our cancer support community. As we come together to support those facing cancer, something magical happens in the clubhouse and in each one of us. I want to share some compelling research from the Cleveland Clinic outlining the evidence-based benefits of incorporating generosity into our lives. This is a perfect time to look back on 2022 to thank each of you for generously contributing to Gilda’s mission as we ensure that no one faces cancer alone. Our wish for you is that you fully receive the positive benefits of your own generosity.

Simply put, giving is good for your health. The sharing of your time, talent, and resources has been proven to be beneficial for your physical and mental health. Likewise, volunteering in the community or raising money for a cause you care about can benefit both your physical and mental health. What a wonderful reward for being generous to others!  

A review of 37 research studies on the science of generosity from universities such as Berkeley, Duke, and the University of Pittsburgh found that adults who gave generously reported greater quality of life and increased vitality and self-esteem. 

In fact, studies have linked generosity with greater happiness as regions in the brain associated with feeling “good” are activated through generosity. Now that should make you smile! 

Researchers also looked at the functional MRIs of those who gave to various charities. They found that giving stimulates the mesolimbic pathway, which is the reward center in the brain — releasing endorphins and creating what is known as the “helper’s high.”

Other physical benefits of generosity include:

  • Lower blood pressure.
  • Less depression.
  • Lower stress levels and anxiety
  • Longer life.

As we rejoice in the generosity of this incredible Gilda’s Club community, I wish for you to fully receive the positive ripple back to your generous giving, and may you find joy and abundance in the year to come! 

Katherine Todd


Katherine Todd

Executive Director

612-227-2147 main | 952-767-7620 direct

10560 Wayzata Blvd., Minneapolis, MN 55305

Published as part of the December 2022 GildaGram Newsletter. Read more here: